Just a random Tuesday in August

So yesterday I decided to take pictures of our day.  I took over 800 pictures, which I have a bunch to edit still to post.  I took one from each activity/time period to post and show what we do during the day.  I am missing a couple of pictures from the evening because we were suppose to go swimming and didn’t so I didn’t take the camera, since the fitness club doesn’t allow photography.  Anyways here is a random Tuesday in my life…

Most days somewhere between 5am and 8am Desmond comes into our bed and snuggles back down to sleep, though the 8am entrances he normally just nurses and is ready to get up. On Tuesday Desmond came in around 6:30 when Dan got up to go to work and went back to sleep till 7:38am, when the front door closed as Dan left for work.

Eloise normally sleeps in till around 11am. She will stir somewhere between 6:30 and 8 to eat and then go right back to sleep. She normally sleeps in the bed with me from her stirring until Desmond and I go downstairs when I put her back in the pack and play.

Once we get downstairs I normally get some fruit and some kind of protein for Desmond, today it was nuts, most days it is cheese. I just leave out the plate so he can get something to eat when he is hungry. Since we are normally downstairs by 8am, 8:30 at the latest, we normally have between 2 and 3 hours before Eloise gets up. I am trying to do various arts and crafts and other such projects with him in this time, so that things with small pieces and put away by the time Eloise gets up and so that he has some one on one Mommy time. I call it pre-school light, since we tend to read and do various projects.

On Tuesday we started with Sensory play with beans. I mentioned in my Sensory play post that I had moved the beans to a bigger container and gotten more, this is the bigger container with more beans, I still need to get a few more, but he really enjoys playing with it.

After we finished with the beans we moved on to finger painting. Desmond really likes squirting the finger paint into the container. He is not as thrilled with getting the finger paints on his fingers though. I just bought some paint brushes to see if he prefers that to his fingers for painting, but on Tuesday we just used our fingers.

After finger painting he climbed into Eloise’s high chair and read his AB book, which I had already read to him. You can see his breakfast plate in this picture as well.

After the reading we were done with pre-school light and he wandered off to play. We had just cleaned the living room on Sunday. So Desmond worked hard to fix the neatness.

He then played with some of his toys.

It was around 11am then so we went upstairs to wake up sleeping beauty.

She was still asleep, but calling her name a few times woke her up.

We headed back downstairs, and I changed her diaper and fed her before putting her on the floor to play. Desmond was playing as well, I think he turned on Secret Agent Oso on iTunes so he was watching that while I took care of Eloise.

While Desmond was playing/watching his show, and Eloise was playing I got my lunch, a sandwich and Desmond’s lunch, mac and cheese and veggies, ready.

After lunch Desmond decided he wanted to play with the sensory table again. So I got it out for him. Eloise watched from her high chair while he played with the beans.

When Desmond was done they both went back to the floor to play. Eloise was playing with Desmond’s cars, which he didn’t appreciate so he kept taking them away from her.

Once Desmond had rescued all the cars from Eloise he gave her back 2 of them and then wandered off. I sat Eloise up and gave her a car to play with. She stayed sitting and playing and watching for 20 or 30 minutes

Desmond found one of his books had a puzzle in it, so he took out the puzzle and did it and played and read his book.

The two of them played some more and I read then another story or two and then it was nap time. We headed upstairs where I turned on Backyardigans for Desmond while I nursed down Eloise. Once she was asleep and the episode was over, I nursed Desmond and he went to sleep as well. I’ve had around a 70% chance of him napping recently, so I was glad he went to sleep.

Once he was out, Eloise and I headed back downstairs for some Eloise and Mommy time. Eloise played some more and worked on her crawling. She is getting quite fast.

I then nursed her again and put her into the Mei Tai, where she quickly fell asleep. She slept until right around when Daddy got home at 5:30ish.

Once Daddy was home he played with Eloise some, while Desmond was sleeping. He put rice into dinner, we tried a crockpot recipe last night. Then played with her some more.

Around 6:15 or so Desmond woke up and around 6:30 we decided dinner was ready, so we got bowls for everyone, but Eloise, and set them on the table.

Desmond decided he didn’t want to eat, which was fine, but we were not doing exactly what he wanted so he threw a temper tantrum. Which happens daily, since he is 2.

We decided that the rice wasn’t fully cooked so we would let it simmer awhile longer in the crockpot and go swimming. Since the fitness club doesn’t allow pictures I didn’t bother bringing the camera. We got into the fitness club and Desmond step on Dan’s foot accidentally when backing up and broke it past the quick, so we decided swimming was out, since Dan really didn’t want to go into the water with it. So we headed to Joanne’s since I needed to buy some craft supplies for Desmond. We found a bunch of things for him and best of all we found a hard sided carrying case for him to put his stuff into. We’d been looking for something for him for awhile, since he loves carrying around things with handles and putting his stuff in them. We had hoped to find one at Target with the back to school stuff, but all the lunchboxes they had were soft sided. We left Joanne’s with our loot and headed home.

When we got home, we tested dinner and found that the rice was still not done, so we decided to just order pizza. It worked for everyone and Desmond even ate some of his.

Since dinner was so late, it was around 8:30 when it arrived, Eloise was ready for bed when we were done around 9pm. So we went up. Desmond played around in the bedroom as Dan changed Eloise’s diaper and put her in a sleeper.

Then Dan and Desmond headed downstairs and I nursed Eloise to sleep and put her in the pack and play. Where she happily slept till morning.

Desmond bounced around downstairs and played with his toys, while Dan and I did various things on our computers before bed.

Around 11pm we all went up. Desmond and Dan went into Desmond’s room and Desmond ran around a bunch more, while Dan read him his stories and got him settled. I went into the master bedroom and read some. I think he finally went down around midnight, but I am not positive on that.

I read a bit and went to bed around 12:30. Which worked since I was awoken at 6:30 this morning by Desmond coming into snuggle.

And that is a random Tuesday here. Most of our days are fairly similar, with a walk to the park or elsewhere during the day added in when it isn’t boiling, freezing or raining out.

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