I love this child’s curls

Does Desmond not have the best curls ever? If only the back of his head won’t turn into a rats nest instantly. He has the best curls ever. I wish my hair curled like his. I am really hoping Eloise also inherits the gorgeous curls.

4 Responses to “I love this child’s curls”

  1. nonnie Says:

    boys always get the long eyelashes and curly hair – Eloise’s will probably be strainght like her daddy’s!

  2. tabrizia Says:

    Her Daddy’s hair is curlier then mine!

  3. nonnie Says:

    If Dan’s hair is that curly he should cut it short so we could all enjoy his curls! I’m surprised you haven’t encouraged him to cut it!!!!

  4. attriel Says:

    you cut the boys hair, LEAVE ME ALONE

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