Really Dusty in here

The contractors arrived at 6:45am, yes before any logical person would be awake. And have continued work on the kitchen. Right now the house is really dusty which is a bit annoying. They had to cut a hole in the floor and the ceiling to lay plumbing and electrical wires. Which is nice but the dust is really obvious. Reminding me why I use to hate to go into the home depot by my parents old house.

Other then that they are moving really fast putting in the kitchen and should be finished by this afternoon. Next Wednesday the template person will be out for the countertops and then in two weeks or so after that they’ll get to install the countertop, the new sink and facets and the corner cabnet*. And we’ll be done, yay!

*The corner cabnet ended up having a crack inside it, so we have to replace it. So that should be arriving sometime next week and they’ll install it when they come back out to do the countertop.

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