Doctor’s Appointment Yesterday

Saw the midwife yesterday, everything seems to be doing decently. I am measuring a bit big, 29 weeks, rather then the 25 and a half weeks I am, but the midwife wasn’t too worried since the baby looked good at the ultrasound earlier this month. Other then that I got the drink I get to drink for the gestational diabetes test in a couple of weeks, the first one is just drink the drink and get your blood drawn in an hour, hopefully I’ll pass it so I won’t have to do the 3 hour one, which sounds like a lot less fun.

Other then the baby measuring big everything else was good, I go back in 4 weeks and after that I am on a 2 week schedule, which makes the whole baby coming soonish seem even closer.

One Response to “Doctor’s Appointment Yesterday”

  1. mist Says:

    a lot of women have issues with the drink test because it’s really pure sugar. if you’re not keen on the taste, hold your nose: it will taste like water.

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