Kiddie Kandids is closed

We have used them for pictures since Desmond was born. We really liked them, there was a time period when we were less then thrilled with their service so we tried Picture People instead, and were not impressed at all by them so we went back to Kiddie Kandids and were quite happy.

I am upset, I don’t want to find a new studio to do pictures, I liked my studio. Plus I have a couple of items that I haven’t received from the last photo shoot we just did. Fortuantely they are not items I overly care about, since I doubt I will receive them now, but still.

I am so glad I got cds of all the pictures though, since everything is gone including their website with all my previous studio appointment pictures included. I also feel bad for all their employees who got no notice at all of them closing and who won’t get their paychecks from the past 2 weeks they have worked.

The news article is here.

2 Responses to “Kiddie Kandids is closed”

  1. Anjie Says:

    Wow, that’s crazy! I used them a couple times as well. I only got a CD from one visit there so I guess all my other pictures are lost. :( Yikes…

    What are the rules with our paper pictures? Do we have permission to make copies of them without written consent?

  2. tabrizia Says:

    Technically no, but who is going to argue it now, if you do it at home. Won’t be able to do it at somewhere like Walmart though.

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