Lots of pictures of Eloise at almost 1

Okay those these aren’t all the pictures they took yesterday, since that would have been over 40 pictures and some of them were a bit less then stellar, but here are a bunch of the pictures we had taken of Eloise. Enjoy the Eloise is turning 1 pictures!

First off here are the pictures of her with the 1 and the party background

Next are all the pictures of her in her pretty dress. I really like how these came out, she looks so cute.

Here is the previous one enhanced

We had to work hard to get pictures without her fingers in her mouth, she kept trying to put them in and we kept taking them out.

This is one of my favorite pictures

Here it is in black and white

Here is another one of my favorite pictures, I just like the angle on it. It also made me realize she has a cleft chin. I knew I had one and Desmond had one, I hadn’t realized she did too.

Here it is in black and white, I really like the picture in black and white.

She did not want to stand solo, she kept sitting when we stood her up, but we were finally able to get her to stand, but she was facing sideways. Here are her standing pictures.

I really love how the enhancements on this one make it look so old fashioned

We also got some combo pictures with our package so here are the ones we got. I like how they all turned out.

2 Responses to “Lots of pictures of Eloise at almost 1”

  1. Anjie Says:

    I LOVE these pictures! She is so adorable and she looks too precious in that dress! I think they did a great job!

    Hey Sarah! I gave you an award over on my blog! Go check it out!

  2. Mom Says:

    Cute, cute, cute! just makes me miss my grandbabies. A box will be coming for the 1st b-day.

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