At the Aquarium

For Desmond and Eloise’s birthday this year, my Mom got us a membership to the Baltimore Aquarium, which now includes the National Aquarium too as an additional bonus. Which was a great present, because honestly we so don’t need more stuff in our house. She also got them a bunch of stuff, but we’ll stick to the Aquarium piece. So on the 14th of March we all went to the Aquarium for Eloise’s Birthday. Desmond really likes the Aquarium, we go semi-frequently, we also go to the Georgia Aquarium often when we are down there. Both Desmond and Eloise like watching the fish.

We had a really good day visiting the fish, and everyone had fun. Desmond liked looking in the various aquariums to see the different animal and he enjoyed the coral reef section. It was fairly busy on the 14th so we didn’t stay long, since we can come back when it is less crowded, but everyone had fun.

Here are some pictures of the small ones enjoying the aquarium.

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