Easter at Aunt Mary’s

So we celebrated Desmond and Eloise’s birthdays on Easter. It was about 3 weeks late for Eloise’s birthday and 1 day early for Desmond’s birthday. Since my parents were out of the country for Eloise’s birthday it made a good day to do it. We celebrated at my Aunt Mary’s house, where we also celebrated Desmond’s first birthday. The birthday part was just a small part of the day, since a lot of my Aunt’s relatives from the other side were there too. Desmond and Eloise both had fun and got to play with Nonnie, Pom, MomMom, Dahdi, Dahda, Uncle Noah, Aunt Clare, plus my Aunt and cousins and various other people that were there. It was a good day and we all had fun.

Here is Desmond giving MomMom a hug.

Here is Eloise playing with Easter Eggs that Desmond found.

Here is Desmond Easter Egg hunting. The candy got thrown away that evening because he poured a glass of water in the bucket if I remember correctly. And yes my child went Easter Egg hunting with a Halloween Bucket.

He would open the eggs and then dump the candy from them in his basket and then dump the eggs on the ground because they weren’t useful anymore, with no candy in them.

Here is Eloise with Nonnie

And here she is with Pom

Here is Desmond giving Eloise a hug

and a kiss

And one last Eloise picture

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