Playing in the wading pool

So a couple of weekends ago it was a gorgeous and hot Sunday. We were going to visit my in-laws, like we do almost every weekend, so we called them and told them to set up the wading pool if they could find it. They had apparently had the same idea, but couldn’t find it. When Dan called though they checked again and found it. So when we got to their house the pool was all set up and ready to go. Both of the kids had a ton of fun playing in the pool outside. Desmond also enjoyed running around the yard full tilt. Feel free to admire Eloise’s bathsuit, we found it at Target and figured it was perfect for her. We left it at my in-laws since we visit them often and having a bathing suit at their house for her makes life easy in the summer.

I love these two pictures of Desmond

All done and relaxing in the chair

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