Picking Strawberries

So we had planned to go strawberry picking when the season started. We didn’t have time to go on Saturday May 13th though so we planned to go on the 14th. Unfortunately the farm was closed because the picking was still sparse at the time. So the following weekend, we decided we would go on Sunday, since we had a bunch of things happening on Saturday. Sunday came and it was wet and rainy, so we ran some errands in the morning. Around noon we decided it was wet out but not really raining so we would go ahead and go pick strawberries.

This is Desmond’s 3rd year picking strawberries he loves it. Eloise went last year, but she was on my back the whole time so this year is really her first year picking strawberries. She loved it too. She sat next to the strawberry container and ate the freshly picked strawberries out of it. She thought it was the best. Desmond actually picked a few strawberries before eating them. He was not happy when we left because he wanted to pick and eat all the strawberries. We figured 15 pounds of strawberries was more then enough.

I have a ton of pictures, so I am going use the break to cute down the number shown on the front page. There are a lot of pictures you have been warned!

First we have Dan showing off one of the huge melded strawberries we picked. We called it the butterfly strawberry since it looks like one

Here is Desmond picking some strawberries

Here is Eloise picking some strawberries

Now on to the enjoying of the strawberries

And here they are in the car

We all had a lot of fun picking strawberries!

2 Responses to “Picking Strawberries”

  1. Debbie Says:

    That picture of Eloise bending over to pick the not-so-ripe strawberry is adorable. Love the ’3 years of berry picking’ of Desmond too.

  2. nonnie Says:

    These are really cute pictures – but you’ve been home like 4 days where’s the newest pics???

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