Time for an update?

So it’s been a few weeks again so I should probably update. Let’s see, we got an Aquarium membership and went 2 Sundays ago. It was nice and Desmond liked looking at the fishies. We didn’t stay for the Dolphin show because he was getting fussy so instead we spent an hour trying to get out of Baltimore, I hate the inner harbor and Baltimore it is hard to find your way out once you are in.

Desmond has his 4 month doctor’s appointment tomorrow, so we’ll see how much he’s grown then. I’m guessing 26 inches and 18ish pounds. He’ll be getting one shot and we’ll have to make appointments for the second shots of the ones he has gotten so far. We’re sticking with our one shot a month plan for the moment I think.

Desmond is teething we’re pretty sure, he doesn’t like to go to bed now either, he’s his Mommy’s baby isn’t he? He will go down and then be back up about an hour later, before going down an hour later. On the plus side, once he is finally out he’s out for the night and he sleeps till around 10am which I appreciate.

Dan’s company lost their recompete, so we had a couple of days of worry over here while he was figuring what to do. The company that won it offered him a job (basically his current job) with a nice 10ish% raise, so he took it. His current company wasn’t on the ball with getting people interviews internally and such and with Desmond he didn’t want to push his luck in finding something. He also figured he’s been with his current company for 9 months so he doesn’t have much company loyalty yet. Our health insurance is changing for a third time this year now, joy. Fortunately the doctors we care about are all on the new plan as well, so we should be set. Copays are a bit less as are prescription costs, the monthly cost of the plan is a bit more then currently but we still come out ahead since his new company gives him a 75$ a month travel budget which makes up for the health insurance increase. Overall we think the benefits are a bit better at the new company. He won’t be able to work from home right away, but we’re hopefully he can work it out so he can again in a few months. We also get to go to Disney still so I’m happy.

Desmond and I joined Gymboree, we had fun at our first class so we decided to go ahead and sign up, it is a way for us to get out of the house at least once a week which will be nice. We’ll see how it goes, he seems so much older then the other babies in the 0 to 6 month class, even if he is the second youngest, the youngest is 4 days younger then him.

Other then that not much else going on. We did celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary on the 5th of August. Well actually we celebrated on the 4th, my inlaws came up and baby sat Des while Dan and I went out to dinner, we had fun, it was kind of weird being out without the baby though. It is only the third time we’ve done something without him since he was born.

It has been a busy few weeks, but things will probably settle down by January or so, hopefully at least.

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