In the snow again!

So I hear Eloise went out in the snow again today too, but since she was at my in-laws I don’t have any new pictures of her in the snow, sorry.

Anyways Desmond wanted to go out and play in the snow this afternoon so I got him ready. It is so much easier getting one ready rather then two. We then headed out, I actually found gloves for him, they are bright pink since we bought them for Eloise, but they fit which was all I really cared about, and he likes pink so it worked for him too.

He had a ton of fun. K-line decided to come out with us, so Desmond chased K-line around, made half a dozen snow angels, tried to make a snowman, but the snow wasn’t wet enough for that, and threw lots of snowballs, both at me and K-line. Desmond and K-line both ran around a bunch which I think they both really liked.

I only took the point and shoot camera out since I knew Desmond was going to want me to make snowballs for him and what not and it fits in my pocket, unlike the good camera, but here are 3 pictures I took while we were out there.

First Desmond making a snow angel.

Here is K-line running through the snow.

And here is Desmond chasing K-line with a snowball in his hand to throw at him when he gets close enough.

One Response to “In the snow again!”

  1. Mom Says:

    If you think getting two ready to go outside wait until next year when there are three! Des and K look like they had a really good time!

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