General Update

First off some basic blog information/musing. I am attempting to update the blog every Tuesday with a post, mainly a pictures post at this point in time, because typing a lot is a bit beyond what I have time for. I am also trying to post a Wordless Wednesday post every Wednesday. Other then that I am trying to post when I can, but things get busy with three. If you check the site on Wednesday though you should see the new big post from Tuesday and the new Wordless Wednesday, consider anything else a bonus.

I did get around to updating the header, so now Sully is on it. I am still debating if I want to change the whole look of the blog. It has had this look since right before Eloise was born, but I like it still, since it is fairly simple and basic, so I’m still debating which way to go on it, and if I want to spend the time updating the whole look or not.

As for a general family update. Everyone is doing well, Sully is getting lots of attention from his big brother and sister. Desmond is almost done with preschool for the year, I think he enjoyed the year, and should have fun next year. He will be going to summer camp for 4 weeks this summer which he should enjoy.

Desmond is pretty sassy right now, he likes to send you to your room if you don’t agree with him. So I get sent to my room quite often as does Dan. He also has told us, “I don’t want you to say no, you should always tell me yes!” He is always disappointed when his wishes don’t come true. Eloise is starting to have a bit of an attitude too, though nothing compared to her brother. She does have to do whatever Desmond is doing. So if Desmond is doing xyz Eloise always tells us, “me too!” and tries to do it as well. Sully is social smiling, which is nice and he is babbling a little, he still hasn’t rolled completely over, but is quite good on getting up on his side. He is now wearing the same size diapers as Eloise, and we’ll learn how big he is at his 2 month appointment next week.

Everything is going well now, though I am fairly busy with all three of them, we are starting to get a routine down though, so hopefully things will start to calm down some as summer progresses.

One Response to “General Update”

  1. Anjie Says:

    I find blogging difficult with only my two! I’ve been trying to do most of my writing on the weekends now.

    Love the Wordless Wednesdays! I’m going to get back into that too. One day a week I don’t have to type sounds awesome! lol

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