Riding Bikes

Desmond really wanted a bike with pedals rather then his balance bike, and has been asking for one since before his birthday. We went ahead and got him one mid-May. Let me say finding a gender neutral, kids bike for a reasonable price was more or less impossible. So he got a Matar (from Cars) bike, and if Eloise wants something different we’ll get her something different when she is tall enough to ride that size bike. We had a bit of trouble putting it together, the place for the front wheel to go in was about half an inch to small, and we could not get it in no matter how we tried. So we took it back to Toy’s R Us and had them put it together for us instead. It was only $10 so totally worth the cost, next we know to just let them assemble it to begin with.

Anyways Desmond loves his bike, he still has a bit of trouble pedaling it, since if you go backwards it brakes, but he is getting there. Eloise likes her bike, but she really wants one with pedals as well. We are going to wait on that though she can use the balance bike for now, since even that is a little big for her. Though Dan did comment she loves to sit on Desmond’s bike and be pushed. Unfortunately since we rarely used the balance bike with Desmond, he is using training wheels on his new bike, at least until he figures out how to pedal, then we might take them off again.

Here are the two olders riding their bikes, a few days ago in the 90 degree weather.

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