12 weeks old!

Today Sully is 12 weeks old. It is hard to believe that in 12 weeks he has gone from this:

to this:

He is now rolling over, playing with toys, interacting with his big brother and sister, babbling and not seeming like a little newborn anymore. He is just getting so big, it is hard to believe that next week he’ll be 3 months old! He is moving into his 6-9 month and 6-12 month clothes, he is a big boy, he is going to be in size 3 diapers soon, just like Eloise. He is already wearing the same size cloth diapers as she is. He is a mellow baby, except when he is screaming because of his reflux or because he wants me right now! He is sleeping mostly through the night from about 11pm till 5 or 6am before needing to nurse again. It is just weird to think about how fast the last 12 weeks have gone.

He has been to Easter at my Aunt’s house and met his Great-Grandmother, he has been to Sesame Place in Philadelphia. He however has still not been on an airplane, unlike his big brother who first flew around 8 weeks and his sister who first flew around 4 weeks and had flown round trip 3 times before she was 4 months old, he will get to fly for the first time in August at 4 months old. He is about to take his first long car trip when we go down to visit my parents at the lake. He is so little and yet he seems so big as well. Here are a few pictures from his first 12 weeks.

At birth

meeting his big brother and sister

Enjoying his swing

At the playground

Getting a kiss from Eloise

With Mommom at Easter

With Pom and Nonnie at Easter

Being hugged by Desmond

At the playground again

Outside with Dahdi

Enjoy the blowup pool

Picking strawberries with Mommy

At Sesame Place

Smiling for the camera

Having fun in the grass

Yesterday on the floor

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