I have a new Second Cousin

Erin Elizabeth (Ellie) Mee was born August 27th at 1 am, she weighs 7 pounds 1 ounce. Ellie is the first great-grandchild for my grandmother. And the first grandchild for my Mom’s older sister. My mom is one of 8 and she is second oldest.

Ellie was born to Emily and Daniel Mee. Daniel is my cousin he is the younger of the two kids in his family, Ellie was named after his older sister and my cousin Erin. Daniel is only 9 months older then me, in fact he is 9 days (I believe) younger then Dan (hubby).

So congratulations on being born Erin Elizabeth Mee I hope you have had a good first 36 hours.

On other family news my Uncle Tim and Aunt Jenna are pregnant with their first child. The baby is due in March, which is a great month to be born if I do say so myself (okay so it is my birth month). Hopefully Jenna will have an easy pregnancy and delivery and I will in a few months get to meet a new cousin.

All these births and expected births kind of make me hope to one day have one of my own. However, I am waiting till I finish getting my bachlors degree. So I guess it will be another 2 and a half to 3 years for me.

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