Crawling, Climbing, Crusing, Teeth!

So Desmond now has his two front teeth just in time for Christmas, which means he has 6 teeth now. He’s been a bit fussy the past few days as the teeth came in, but hopefully he’ll be better now they have broken the skin.

He is crawling like a champ and crusing as well. He can stand alone for about 5 seconds now, so I have a feeling real walking may not be that far off. Oh and he can climb, his favorite thing to do in the evenings now is use Daddy’s leg to climb up on the sofa and then cruise around there pulling down whatever he finds. He can also climb stairs, he hasn’t gotten to do it at home yet, but he climbed up the stairs at my inlaws quite fast when we were there on Sunday. He is a very talented baby.

He’s also babbling a lot, so I figure he’ll say his first word soon, no clue what it will be yet though. He is getting so big, he is almost a toddler now, not a baby and he will turn 1 in less then 4 months eek! Time goes really fast.

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