The difference 4 months makes

So when Sully was 2 1/2 weeks old we bought him a new swing, because the one we had used for Desmond and Eloise died. I have a picture of him sleeping in the swing right after we put it together.

Here it is:

I also have a picture of Sully in that same swing today, at 4 months and 2+ weeks old. Almost exactly 4 months after the first picture was taken.
Here he is:

It is really hard to believe how fast he has grown in those past 4 months. Look at him, fitting in the swing perfectly at 3 weeks, and now at 4 1/2 months he has almost outgrown the swing. I think it will be going away for good soon. He has starting trying to sit up while he is in it and grab at the toys above it. He also won’t nap in it for long anymore, he looks big in it too. It is really hard to believe how fast my little baby boy is growing up. He is now in 9 month clothes and moving into 12 month stuff, he has 2 teeth, he plays with toys, he can sit without support for almost 10 seconds, he is working on crawling. It is just so weird to think that 4 months ago he was a newborn, and now he is turning into a baby, who is growing up so fast.

It is fun to watch him grow up, but sometimes I miss that snugly little newborn.

3 Responses to “The difference 4 months makes”

  1. Anjie Says:

    Holy smokes! He’s grown so much! I can’t believe he’s already doing all those things too. Elliott’s no where close. lol So funny how babies born a couple weeks apart can be so different. Way to go Sully! Also, way to go Sarah! Your milk must be made of miracle grow! lol

  2. Kate Says:

    Love it!! I just took a picture of Teddy in his bouncer last night before retiring it as a comparasion as well. Love his hair, he’s so cute!!!

  3. tabrizia Says:

    Thanks Kate and Anjie. Anjie I know what you mean, it is amazing how different all babies are.

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