Sully is pulling up into a stand!

So this actually happened on Sunday. Sully has been working on hands and knee crawling for awhile, and was pretty consistent about it by Saturday. I made a comment to DH about it on Sunday, and then he told me to turn and look at Sully. Sully had apparently decided to top his hand and knee crawling before 6 months old, by grabbing hold of the sofa and pulling himself to a stand! He wanted to get a toy that had been put on the sofa, and so he did.

So he is now pulling to stand, though not cruising yet. The biggest issue is when he is done he tend to just drop and fall and hit his head and scream. So he stands is happy, decides he is done with this standing thing, or even better decides to try standing without support (really kid you aren’t 6 months old for another 2 days standing without support can wait a month or 3), falls, hits his head, and then screams. I go comfort him, put him back down and he repeats the above process. It is so much fun! Apparently he has decided he has to be mobile so he can keep up with his big siblings.

Oh and Desmond loves it when he stands, so he now deliberately moves Sully’s toys so they are up on the sofa so Sully will stand, and then tells me, “Look Mommy, I moved Sully’s toys so he would stand.”

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