6 Months old!

Today you are 6 months old, half a year. Wow did that go fast. I remember you being born and seeing you in the operating room while I was still being stitched up. I remember getting to finally hold you in the recovery room, and start nursing, which you took to no problem. I remember you first meeting your brother and sister. It is weird to think that it was 6 months ago when it happened. Now you are crawling and pulling to stand. You like to chew on apple slices, and other easy to hold foods. You are babbling, and you love playing and laughing with your brother and sister.

Happy 6 months Sully Bear!

You have gone from this:

To this:

In 6 short months!

Meeting Eloise and Desmond

Right after arriving home

Sleeping in the new swing

Enjoying the playground at 3 weeks

Meeting Mommom at Easter

Snuggled with Dadhi

Into the pool for the first time

First time at Sesame Place

Laying in the grass at 2 1/2 months old

Snuggled up with Eloise and Desmond at 3 months

Talking with Nonnie

Floating in the pool in a turtle

4 months old

Playing in the exasaucer at Nonnie and Pom’s

Outgrowing the swing at 4 1/2 months

Sully at 5 months

Hands and Knees crawling at 5 months


Going down the slide with Desmond

Pulling to a stand last weekend

Eating French Fries, one of your first foods, on Tuesday

Today, 6 months old

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