
Meant to update yesterday and never got around to it, and since Andrea prodded me I’ll post now!

Desmond turned 10 months old yesterday, he is getting so big. I can’t believe he is already 10 months old. Where has my baby gone? I am starting to figure out what to do for his first birthday, eek, my baby is turning 1 soon!

Desmond has decided he loves to climb, which makes life fun. We’ve had to move the ottoman so that he isn’t constantly climbing up onto the sofa or chair (I’ll post a video when I can get it to work for more then just mac). He is fast.

He still isn’t walking, but is close, if he doesn’t realize he’s not holding on, he can stand and take steps easily, once he figures out there is no support though, he drops on his butt. I figure he’ll figure out walking any day now, but I’ve been figuring that for a month and he still hasn’t, so who knows.

I have a couple of pictures to post, some for his photo shoot last month and a couple of him bringing down the baby gate, that was fun, not!

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