Desmond Walking and K-line

Desmond walking on video. We finally got the video camera set up at the right time to catch him walking. He only does 2 to 5 steps at a time, but he is pretty good at it. Here is one of his attempts last night, K is there to “help” too. It is fairly long and not edited, I couldn’t get the edited version to work, so you get the full video in all its glory.

This one is a bit pixelated for the first 3 or 4 seconds too, no clue, guess I needed black space at the front.

2 Responses to “Desmond Walking and K-line”

  1. Volty Says:

    Hi Tabrizia,

    I followed your link from TWTM board. Our daughter is a month younger than Desmond and can only stand up with help right now so my wife and I were quite excited to watch Desmond walking for you.

  2. tabrizia Says:

    Glad to see you here. It is really fun watching them grow isn’t it? Though each step to more mobility means more trouble they can get into! And Desmond is taking that idea as far as he can.

    Glad you stopped by :) .

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