Computer still not working

My computer is still not working, and yes I am working (hahaha) on getting it fixed, but it will likely be a bit longer, so still no pictures for awhile. I will leave you with a cute conversation from Sunday with Desmond.

Me: When I grow up I want to be a fire truck!
Desmond: No Mommy, you can’t be a fire truck, you are a people, fire trucks are trucks.
Me: But I want to be a fire truck!
Desmond: You have bones, you can’t be a fire truck, you can be a fire person, a police man, a army man or a Maccabee.
Eloise: I want to be an ice cream maker. I will make pink ice cream for girls.
Me: That is a great plan Eloise.
Dan: I want to an airplane!
Desmond: No Daddy you can’t be an airplane. Airplanes are airplanes, you are a people, you can be an airplane pilot, but not an airplane. You have bones, airplanes don’t have bones.

I love 5 year olds, they are just so much fun.

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