New Carseat

So we upgraded Desmond’s car seat this evening. This week the brand that we wanted to upgrade him to held their twice annual sale. Since he likely won’t last in his infant seat till September we decided to go ahead and upgrade him now. I ordered the seat on Tuesday around 10pm and it arrived this afternoon. Basically we got overnight shipping for free, yay!

Anyways here are some pictures of Desmond playing and trying out his new car seat.

First off the car seat in its box.

Desmond thought it made a nice climb toy.

Tasty straps apparently

Here is Desmond strapped in, we were checking to see if we needed to move it up to the second level for the straps, we didn’t he fits quite well in the lowest setting.

Here it is installed in the car.

I’ll try to get up a picture or two of him in the carseat in the car once we’ve put him in it.

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