Cloth Diaper Info

Someone on a messageboard I visit asked about cloth diapers, and I wrote out the following response. I decided it was a fairly decent review of different types of cloth diapers, so I wanted to keep it saved so I can use it again if needed. So everyone on my blog can enjoy my info about cloth diapers post.

Here is some basic information about cloth diapers. First off the best brand really depends on your child and how you want to diaper them. There are thousands of different types of cloth diapers. The basic types are: Flats, Prefolds, Fitteds (and prefitteds), Pockets, All in Ones (and All in Twos).

Everything but Pockets and All in Ones (and All in Twos) need covers.

Your cheapest Option is Flats or Prefolds, Flats are one straight sheet of cloth which you fold to your needs, most new users don’t use them since they have a large learning curve. I haven’t used them yet, though we are thinking about using them when we go to India, just because they are extremely easy to pack (take up next to no room) and they wash and dry easily. Basically they look like the basic recieving blanket, when unfolded.

Prefolds are similar to Flats and what most people think of when you say cloth diapers. They are made into three panels, 2 outside and one inside. The outside panels have between 2 and 4 layers od cloth and the inside layers have between 4 and 8 layers of cloth. Most are cotton, but there are velour, bamboo, hemp and other types that you can find it you look for them. You then fold the diaper to fit around your child and pin it(or snappi it) or just put it in the cover without pinning it.

Your next option are Fitteds or Prefitteds. These are what we normally use. There are tons of brands for these. Basically a prefitted is a prefold, cut and sometimes with elastic in it, made into a diaper shape so all you have to do is put it on the baby without worrying about folding, they can have snaps (our mainly do) or elastic on them so you don’t have to worry about how to fasten them. Fitteds are basically the same as prefitteds, but they use other materiels then the prefold. They almost always have fastenings.

Next are pockets, All in Ones, and All in Twos. None of these diapers need a cover. They are the closest to disposables you can get. We have used both pockets and All in Ones (I’m not that sure about all in 2s). They are great for going out since you don’t need a separate cover. Pocket diapers have an area where you insert a lining, which is nice in that you can decide how absorbent to make it, on the other hand you have to remove the lining before washing. All in Ones have everything there, no stuffing just put it on and go. The negative to these is they can take longer to wash, because everything is in the diaper. The All in 2s are like All in Ones, but I believe they have a snap in lining rather then having it sewn in, to make drying faster (I’m not very sure about these, I’ve never had any or seen any, they are fairly rare).

The last thing to know about for diapers is for any of them but the All in Ones and Pockets you need a cover for them. They are various types of covers, wool (which we use) PUL (waterproof materiel) and Fleece are the normal and most common types. These need to be on the diapers when you put clothes on the baby otherwise their clothes will get wet. We actually tend to leave Desmond coverless at home, which is why most pictures of him have him in just his diaper (I’m lazy and he needs to be changed a lot).

I hope this post helps explain a bit about the differences in the various types of diapers that are out there.

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