Who do they think they are fooling?

Okay so I am a member of a messageboard for various games I like. On one of these boards there are a ton of teenagers. There are some older people in their twenties etc. The majority is probably in the 15 to 20 range.

Anyways with teenagers you tend to get a higher concentration of idiots. Unfortunately it seems a sterotype, but I have noticed it to be true. Anyways there is a girl in the community and we’ll call her Purple Duck (names changed to protect the idiots). Anyways most people in the community think she is a twit, she has done numerous twitish things.

So Purple Duck decides she doesn’t like her reputation and creates a new allias which we’ll call InluvwGerard. Now InluvwGerard fairly quickly makes it obvious that she is Purple Duck. Let’s be honest it is really hard to mask yourself and pretend to be someone else. Normally you are found out.

And she isn’t very good at. So in AIM Chat we unmask her and point out that Purple Duck and InluvwGerard are using the same IP at the same time. Since she isn’t very smart, and they claim not to know each other she can’t even claim they are in the same house and sisters. So we tell her we know who she is. She gets affronted and attempts to claim otherwise, those of us that have at least a basic bit of intellegence laugh at her (I’m mean so shoot me).

Anyways I mention a number of new names she can come back as when she creates a new persona for her multiple personalities the next day. Fast forward to this morning. First InluvwGerard has posted she is leaving the community last night. This morning there is a new post from a new person we’ll call Hillary. Hillary posts and I feel the need to check between her and InluvwGerard off her first three posts. And shock they have the same IP.

Hillary also comes into the chat room, where me and another person who we’ll call hanger are. She attempts to be a new person. Both of us knowing better, play with her for awhile. So I am now the grandmother of hanger. It is nice to have a granddaughter before I’ve had any spawns.

I don’t know who she is trying to fool, but it obviously isn’t working. I still find it amusing though and I am having fun making fun of her multiple personality problem (yes I have fun making fun of 15 year old girls, we all have our vices).

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