Baby Milestone: First ER visit

So this afternoon I decided to let Desmond play in the bathtub for a bit, since he likes to play with his toys in the bubbles. So he was happily playing something like the picture below.

Anyways as he was standing up he slipped and hit his eye on the edge of his toy or the tub, I figured he was fine and was playing with him some when I noticed his eye was bleeding. Eek! So we quickly got him out of the tub, and dried off so I could look at his eye. DH got home right around then and we called the doctor. It was a little bloodly and cut, but we couldn’t see anything in the eye, so we figured it was probably just a surface injury out the eye. The service said they would have the doctor call us back. My in-laws were over so Desmond was playing with them happily, so we figured he was doing okay. We realized it had been about an hour so we called back the service and talked to the doctor, she suggested heading to the ER just to check and make he hadn’t broken his eye bone. So we all packed up and had a family field trip to the ER.

Once we got the ER we were quickly checked in and moved back to pediatrics, much faster then with an adult, nice benefit of being 13 months I guess. The nurse came in and checked out his eye, and said the doctor would be with us shortly. The doctor checked him out and decided he didn’t need an x-ray and it was just a cut. So we all happily headed to dinner. So today’s adventure was a nice visit to the ER with Desmond because of his eye. Below are some of the pictures of him with the nurse looking at his eye and a close up of his eye.

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