Memorial Day Pictures

I’ve been meaning to get these pictures up for awhile, but well Desmond likes to turn off my computer where I download and edit my photos for the web, so it has taken a bit to get them ready. Anyways these are pictures from last Sunday, we went over my in-laws and had a nice Barbecue with them, and Noah and Clare. Noah and Clare took some of these pictures I think, since they were enjoying playing with the DSLR. Anyways here are some of the pictures from the day.

Here is Clare

Here are Noah and Desmond

Here is me holding the boy in his favorite position, upside down.

Here are a couple of Dan and Desmond shucking corn

Here is Desmond playing with Dadi’s (my mother in law) Iced Tea

And here is Desmond patting his head while standing on Dada’s (my father in law) lap.

Here is K-line

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