The playground

So this morning Desmond was running around like a boundless ball of energy. Up the stairs, down the stairs, through the living room into the kitchen, rinse and repeat. So I decided we would go to the playground and burn off some of the energy before it got too hot. So around 11 we searched for his shoes and finally found two matching shoes that fit. I then put him in the Beco and walked to the playground, which is all of 5 minutes away or so. It was around 82F (28ish C for those who use Celsius) out so it wasn’t too bad out. When we got to the playground he ran around some and played in the sandbox, the swing and the bouncy car. The slides were a bit hot so he didn’t want to climb up them, and he had no interest in climbing up the play structures stairs either. We played for about 40 minutes and came home, where he had lunch and then was quite ready for his nap. Here are some pictures of him having fun.

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