Ultrasound for the bean

We had my first midwife appointment for the new bean yesterday. It included an ultrasound appointment. The appointment went well over all. It was hard to see the bean, though I will upload the ultrasound pictures eventually. We did see the heartbeat it is at 157 which is great. The fetal pole was measuring a week smaller then where I thought it should have been, but my dates could have been off. My due date was moved to March 16th from the 10th, which I am fine with. I actually prefer a slightly later date, since I am going to try a VBAC and having more time before the bean is due is good, since then I am likely to get less pressure about the baby being late, etc.

After the ultrasound we met with the midwife, well one of them. This is a new one to the practice, she wasn’t there two years ago when I was there with Desmond. I like her a lot, which is nice. The midwife that helped deliver Desmond is no longer there, which is a bit disappointing, she apparently got married and moved to Colorado. Anyways the midwife went over my history and her first question was, “Are you planning on a VBAC?”, which is a nice question to be asked. I told her I was and apparently I can stay with the midwife half of the practice for VBACs, which is nice, I prefer a midwife to an OB when possible.

All in all it was a good appointment, there wasn’t a problem with me going to India at 20ish weeks, and I go back for my next appointment in 6 weeks.

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