Random Thoughts

Picked up the EQ2 expansion today, not sure it was worth it since I haven’t played in over a month and with school and all probably won’t have a ton of time to play now. We’ll see how it plays.

Sims 2 Nightlife comes out tomorrow, it looks interesting, too bad I can’t play it on the laptop, oh well guess I’ll hang out downstairs to play it. Which is good, spend time with Dan that way.

Been sick the last two days with a cold and it hasn’t been fun at all.

Reading Gilgemesh for history it is really good actually. Impressive what people wrote 3000+ years ago. They were quite good at getting their ideas across through a story.

Ordered new glasses today, my vision got worse, blegh, well my astigmatism in my right eye did anyways. The new glasses are hot. They are black frames with colours around the inside. Which I really like. I’m getting them with a new thing so that the lens change color in the sun, so I won’t have to carry around my sunglasses. The glasses cost a fair ammount, but much cheaper then getting them without insurance, yay for vision coverage when your eyes suck.

On that note the eyedoctor has this new vision test thing. Rather then putting drops in your eyes and diluting the pupil to scan the retna. They have a nifty machine that gets a much better view and no drops that screw up your eyes for hours, bonus! It cost a bit more then the other way, seeing as the other way was free, but it is a better option overall, so it was worth it. Nice east and quick. My eyes looks good, which at least means I’m not likely to go blind anytime soon yay!

My foot still hurts, but it is much better then Sunday, which is good, was just a muscle bruise I guess, which I’m glad of broken bones would not be fun. Especially not in the foot, well let’s be honest it won’t be fun anywhere.

I’m somewhat off my diet because of the sick thing and the whole no kitchen thing. I need to get back on it, it was working well, though the counting calories thing is a pain. Maybe I’ll use a spread sheet to do it rather then on paper.

Oh on that note, we now have a stove! They came yesterday and installed the stove and microwave, so of course we ordered in last night and tonight for dinner. Mainly because there are no dishes in the kitchen since we still don’t have the countertop, so it is hard to cook still, but at least we can now if we want too.

Other then that not much else has gone on in the past 2 days or so. Such is the exciting life I lead. Of school and home with the puppy and hubby.

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