Walking the caterpillar

For Desmond’s birthday we bought him a wooden caterpillar. He loves this toy and has since he got it, in fact we gave it to him before his birthday because he saw it and fell in love with it and wanted to play with it now. Anyways at first he wasn’t that great pulling it and liked to have someone else walk the caterpillar for him and he’d follow along after it. Now though he loves to take Mr. Caterpillar with him when he goes out, Mr. Caterpillar loves going on walks and to the playground and upstairs and downstairs, he’s going to India in October, which we’re hoping he enjoys as well (and doesn’t get lost).

Anyways yesterday I went out on the evening walk with Desmond, K-line, Dan and Mr. Caterpillar and since I haven’t taken many pictures of Desmond in awhile, I took a bunch of pictures. That being said, they were taken with the small camera so they aren’t as good as pictures taken with the big camera, but still enjoy! Oh and there are very few of his face, he kept moving so I never got any good head on shots.

Come along Mr. Caterpillar

Come along Mr. Caterpillar

Close up of Desmond

Close up of Desmond

Walking K-line and Mr. Caterpillar

Walking K-line and Mr. Caterpillar

Heading up the stairs

Heading up the stairs

Hurry Up Mr. Caterpillar!

Hurry Up Mr. Caterpillar!

Daddy helps Desmond up the steep hill

Daddy helps Desmond up the steep hill

Up a hill with a caterpillar

Up a hill with a caterpillar

Oh hi Mommy, I have a caterpillar

Oh hi Mommy, I have a caterpillar

Hair in the eyes

Hair in the eyes

Wonder whats over there

Wonder what's over there

Wandering around the soccer fields

Wandering around the soccer fields

Caught by Daddy!

Caught by Daddy!

Down please?

Down please?

One Response to “Walking the caterpillar”

  1. Andrea Says:

    he looks so much older with his long hair! (des, not atty lol)

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