Climbing behind the TV

So if it isn’t obvious, Desmond loves to climb, in general we let him climb all over the sofas as he likes, he is not allowed on the dining room table though and he’s not allowed on the TV stand either. He enjoys trying to get on both of these places though, the dining room table is a bit easier to keep him off of, so far since we just move the chairs. The TV stand however is low enough that he can climb right onto it. So yesterday I took a few pictures of trouble as he was behind the TV where he isn’t supose to be, then we moved him off the stand.

Looking around back here

Looking around back here

Oh hi Mommy, it is cool back here!

Oh hi Mommy, it is cool back here!

Stay back I have super secret ninja moves Ill use if you get too close!

Stay back I have super secret ninja moves I'll use if you get too close!

I am Desmond hear me roar!

I am Desmond hear me roar!

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