More Apple Pictures

Here are some more pictures of our apple picking adventure.

Yes I know the apple is almost as big as I am, but it is still good!

Yes I know the apple is almost as big as I am, but it is still good!

This apple is yummy!

This apple is yummy!

My precious apple, yes it is, my precious...

My precious apple, yes it is, my precious...

Okay Mommy you can take my picture if you want, I have an apple!

Okay Mommy you can take my picture if you want, I have an apple!

An apple in hand is worth two on the tree, an apple in the tummy is even better though!

An apple in hand is worth two on the tree, an apple in the tummy is even better though!

Lets do the apple march!

Let's do the apple march!

One Response to “More Apple Pictures”

  1. Andrea Says:

    the precious apple pict had me LOL. too cute!

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