Desmond and the Ravioli Caper

So Desmond went to bed early last night, not as early as me, I erm fell asleep at his nap time and stayed asleep, but early none the less. So he was up around 3/3:30am. Between Dan and I we were able to keep him pretty happy till about 6am, when he decided it was time to go downstairs again. I took him downstairs and he led me to the fridge. Not a big deal, normally I open the fridge he gets what he wants and I close the fridge.

Not this morning though, this morning he points to the cheese drawer so I get him a thing of cheese, nope not what he wants. I take out the strawberries, he puts them back in, I offer an apple, he says “No, no, no!” He is reaching for something on the top shelf so I offer him some water, he shakes his head. I give up and close the fridge door after taking out and apple in case he decides to change his mind. He has a temper tantrum. After about 10 minutes I offer him stuff again, he keeps screaming, so I bring him back upstairs. It is around 6:45 by now. He doesn’t settle down upstairs but Dan gets up and we take him back downstairs, where Dan opens the fridge and Desmond takes out the Spinach Ravioli from Costco. He stops screaming and starts smiling. So we make the boy Ravioli for breakfast, and apparently that is just what he wanted, now why he won’t pull it out for me, I have no idea.

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