Thanksgiving and such

We had a decent Thanksgiving, there were some ups and some downs. The start of the week through Thanksgiving was good for everyone and we all had a good Thanksgiving.

Unfortunately my parents dog had to be put to sleep on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, which was a definite downer. She had cancer and they knew it was coming, unfortunately it came when everyone was there finishing up Friday night’s dinner. Not fun all around. Desmond really liked their dog at our last visit in August, she would run after him and chase him and he couldn’t understand why she wasn’t able to this time. It was not a fun night for anyone. Everyone will miss Baxter, she wasn’t that old either which was the really sad part. Poor doggie.

The rest of our visit after Saturday was fine as well, just a bit depressing because of the poor dog. Desmond did enjoy himself though and I did get a bunch of pictures of him. Here are a few of them.

Playing with the play kitchen

Playing with the play kitchen

Playing with the play kitchen

Playing with the play kitchen

Playing before Thanksgiving dinner with Ruthie

Playing before Thanksgiving dinner with Ruthie

With Grandpa

With Grandpa

Eating Thanksgiving Dinner

Eating Thanksgiving Dinner

Giving Great Grandpa Kisses

Giving Great Grandpa Kisses

Great Grandpa Kisses!

Great Grandpa Kisses!

One Response to “Thanksgiving and such”

  1. Andrea Says:

    He looks busy in his kitchen!

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