Speaking of Sleeping, bean update.

Bean apparently decided around 2am this morning that she wanted to and punch me a lot. In fact so much that she hasn’t stopped yet 12 hours later. She is being very active today. Normally I feel here a couple of times a day, today there have only been a couple of times I haven’t felt her.

In other news we’ve come up with our name for her. Which I’m not sharing on my blog. While we were in Atlanta she did pick up a nickname, well two, Gigi from most of my family and Esmeralda from my Grandfather. The nicknames have absolutely no relation to what we hope her name will be. In fact the name we have chosen starts with neither G or E, though we do have a G and E name chosen just in case we need them.

2 Responses to “Speaking of Sleeping, bean update.”

  1. Kelly Says:

    I really wanted to name Bella Genevieve and call her either Gigi or Vivi. Very cute!

  2. tabrizia Says:

    Genevieve was actually on the list, but it was dropped in the last round. I really like the name though.

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