I can play Rockband too!

We have Rockband and Desmond loves playing with the guitar for it. So my Mom got him his own little guitar for Hanukkah which he really likes as well. Dan’s big present this year is also Rockband 2 with all the instruments and Desmond loves the drums. So he plays them as much as he can. He really loves hitting the pad with his drum sticks, we need to pick up a child’s size drum sticks too. I think I’m going to need to find him music lessons sooner rather then later, he really loves playing with music, and playing the piano whenever he can find one, and he’s actually fairly good for a toddler just hitting random notes. Anyways here are a bunch of pictures of Desmond playing the various Rockband instruments and his guitar.

One Response to “I can play Rockband too!”

  1. Mom Says:

    With his long bangs he looks like a rock star!

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