Ju Uh MMM Ph (ump!), Desmond brag!

So one of Desmond’s favorite things to do is to make me get on Starfall.com for him and go through the letters, we do it a couple of times a week normally.  So earlier this week I was doing the letter J, which he can’t realy pronounce by the way, and at the end of the letter J is a little activity where you put 4 letters together to get jump.

So I got to that page and Desmond looked at it, at the bottom it says J U M P and you put the letters in to spell the word, and say Ju Uh Mmm Ph, Ump!  and then tried to jump.  I wasn’t really expecting him to decode and make word quite yet, eek!  I mean I know he knows all his letters, even if he can’t pronounce them, but I wasn’t expecting the reading and decoding piece to put the letters together to make a word.

We’ve started doing both letters and the learn to read section on Starfall.com though for him and he seems quite pleased to be seeing letters combined to make words.  Now if only he could get his mouth to make a few more sounds so he could speak a bit clearer.

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