No 1:30am is not a good bedtime Desmond!

So yesterday Desmond took about a 15 minute nap, which we knew would be a problem later on. We weren’t surprised when he passed out around 6pm. We debated waking him up since if he falls asleep before 7 or so he normally considers it a nap not bedtime, but decided he seemed tired enough he might sleep through the night. We should have woken him up. He woke around 7 and Dan got him back down, he then woke again around 8pm and came back downstairs. Around 10:30 Dan took him back up to put him to bed, around 11:15 I came up and switched off with Dan. Around 12:15 I gave up and brought him into our room and turned Word World on for him, since he wasn’t going to sleep. Around 1:30am after I turned off Word World, he finally fell asleep.

I felt bad for Dan since he had to go into work today too so didn’t get enough sleep, though to be fair he dozed through the Word World episodes. On the plus side though, Desmond did sleep till 10am this morning. Though that is going to screw up naps and his whole schedule today too.

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