
Well Desmond came down with a stomach bug of some sort yesterday. He had a bunch of diarrhea during the day, so we ended up putting in disposable diapers so we could put diaper rash cream on his butt and to make clean up a bit easier, of course he hasn’t had any since. He also woke up at 12:30am and threw up all over his bed, which was lots of “fun”.

He is definitely not feeling well today, he hasn’t thrown up again, but then again he hasn’t eaten anything other then a bit of Mango Sorbet. He has drunk a bit of water, but not a ton, we’re keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t get too dehydrated. He has a fever of around 103, so we’ve been giving him baby Tylenol and Motrin to bring it down to 101 or so. He is very tired and sleepy and isn’t running around or anything, poor baby does not feel well.

Here is a picture of him cuddled up with K-line and Daddy watching Cars.


One Response to “Sick!”

  1. mom Says:

    poor baby! he really looks sick and unhappy. hopefully he’ll get better soon. kisses from nonnie – Des!

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