No more backseat

So we put the infant car seat into the car today while Desmond was napping. Desmond’s car seat has been in the middle and we’ve been hoping to leave it there, fortunately we knew it was unlikely. Desmond is now behind the driver’s seat and bean is behind the passenger’s seat. Both seats and in nice and tight, but no one else will be able to sit in the backseat, unless they are an anorexic 12 year old and want to be squashed between two car seats.

On the plus side that was the last big thing we had to do before bean arrives. We still need to organize the living room and clean it up a bit better, but the car seat was the big thing, so we are now ready. I am just hoping she waits till Tuesday at least, since we’re suppose to be getting a bit snow storm tonight and I want pictures of Desmond in it tomorrow!

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