RIP Grandma

So my Grandmother died yesterday morning. It was kind of sudden and unexpected. I mean she was on hospice so we knew she didn’t have long, but she had been taken off hospice before, so we did think she had a bit longer. It is probably for the best as well since she had late stage Alzheimer’s, and was bed bound and on oxygen. It wasn’t like she was there anymore anyways. It is still hard though, especially after just losing my Grandfather on the other side almost exactly a month ago. This is also the second funeral I won’t make because of the pregnancy. There is no way I could fly down to Atlanta at 38 and a half weeks pregnant for the funeral this afternoon.

It is really sad that Desmond will never really get to know my Grandmother, even though she really wasn’t there any more even before he was born. Bean’s name will also be changed to honor her, which we always knew was a possibility, it was just entirely unexpected this late in the pregnancy.

Anyways rest in peace Grandma and I know you are in a much better place now, where you actually know who you are and who all the people around you are as well.

Here is the only picture I have of Desmond with my Grandmother, it is from when he was around 8 weeks old.


One Response to “RIP Grandma”

  1. mom Says:

    What a nice tribute to grandma. She loved all her children, grandchildren, and great grandchild. Remember her as the smiling, loving, giving person that she was and it will be nice to honor her with bean’s name. We all love and miss you.

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