The positives of Tandem nursing

So Desmond is still nursing, he is turning 2 soon and shows no sign of weaning anytime soon, which I am fine with.

Actually it is really really nice right now that he is nursing. I have major oversupply when my milk first comes in and Eloise can’t drink all of it, so rather then pumping tons of milk that I end up throwing away 6 months later because we never use it, I can use Desmond to help reduce the engorgement and pain of early milk production. It is really really nice.

The only problems being that he wants to nurse all the time at the moment, and he doesn’t get to, since Eloise gets to nurse first, and far more often then he does, and that he hates me setting a time limit on him nursing. Which being a mean Mommy I do, normally of about 10 minutes. He does not like being delatched at that point in time, though he is getting a bit better about it, I’m hoping he improves as the days go by, since he is getting milk again instead of nothing, like he was getting the last month of pregnancy. I think part of his problem is the whole sharing of the milk thing as well. Hopefully that improves as he sees I am not stopping him from nursing either, just limiting him a bit, and honesty it is far less limited then it was before Eloise was born, when he only got to nurse at nap time.

Anyways, since I seem to have gotten off on a tangent, tandem nursing is working really well for us at least 5 days in, and it is wonderful for helping the painfulness of the first week nursing after your milk comes in.

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