Classes Registered for!

Well my imunization forms and stuff block was finally removed from my ability to register this morning so I finally was able to register for classes.

Fortunately it is still fairly early in the registration time period so all the classes I wanted still had space.

I am taking Winter Mini-semester:

CMSC198J Special Topics in Computer Science for Non-Majors; (3 credits) This is a java script class. I need one computer science class to graduate so this seemed like a nice one to take. It is M-F 3pm till 6pm for the month of January.

For Spring I am taking:

HEBR112 Elementary Hebrew II; (6 credits)

Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 9am tiill 10:50am

ECON305 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory and Policy; (3 credits)

Monday, Wednesday, Fridays from 1pm till 1:50pm

(I am really happy with this class I got into one of the 45 student classes rather then one of the 180 student classes)

STAT410 Introduction to Probability Theory; (3 credits) Probability and its properties. Random variables and distribution functions in one and several dimensions. Moments. Characteristic functions. Limit theorems.

Thuesday and Thursday from 2pm till 3:15pm

MATH405 Linear Algebra; (3 credits) An abstract treatment of finite dimensional vector spaces. Linear transformations and their invariants.

Tuesday and Thursday from 11am till 12:15pm
(This is really advanced Linear Algebra I already took the basic Linear Algebra class)

It is a fairly nice schedule with only two classes each day, though Hebrew is a long class at two hours. I get done at a decent time though so overall I am really happy with my schedule, oh and as a bonus my largest class is econ with 45 students. Both Math classes are capped at 30 and Hebrew is capped at 15 so I won’t have to deal with huge lecture hall classes in Spring thank goodness.

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