My new Javascript class

Well I’m in the middle of my new javascript class. It isn’t too bad so far. He is going over some extremely simple concepts right now though, so it is a bit boring. I appriciate that he assumes we know nothing, it would be really helpful if I did know nothing. However, he is going over html right now, and I know basic html, I know intermediate html, I’m not willing to go so far as to say I know expert level html. However, I can do CSS and make any basic HTML website with no problem what so ever. Which means this piece of the class is kind of pointless for me.

We should be getting into psuedocode/javascript soon though maybe not till tomorrow and that will at least be semi new (I did do psuedo code back in 2006-2007 at GATech, but at least that was 9+ years ago).

The professor is fairly amusing which is nice, and the class is about 95% math majors, the rest are EE and other types like that majors. No real CS people since it isn’t a CS major class.

Well hopefully it will be a fairly easy class overall.

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