Weird things about me

On a messageboard I visit there was a post about weird and strange things about you and that you do. I figured it was an interesting post so I’m going to transfer my answers here plus add a few more.

I am still afraid of monsters in my closet when it gets dark at night and I’m alone in the house.

I bite my nails (not sure this is really that strange or weird)

I collect dice

I almost always read a book from start to finish without a break (only textbooks and some history books have not been read this way).

I tend to read fast, really fast, but I still remember everything in the book.

I read books more then once, in fact I read most books more then 10 times.

I read at least a book a day.

I love doing mental math.

When I’m bored I’ll doodle Calculus Equations.

I hate driving, I can drive and will if needed, but if I have the choice, I will always let someone else drive (except my brother, his driving scares me).

When I eat out I always tip too much, I figure a 25% tip is a good tip if I get good service.

I hate calling anyone on the phone, I don’t mind answering the phone, but I won’t actually call anyone but my husband and my parents.

I plan to be a stay at home mother once I have kids. I also plan to homeschool them and teach them Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi and Spanish. Latin, Greek and Hebrew will begin being taught before they are 7.

I am attempting to become fluent in Hebrew and am planning to take Hebrew at school for the next 4 semesters.

I love to travel if I had the money I would travel year round and visit every country at least once.

I don’t watch TV, I haven’t watched TV, except on vacations in over 5 years (we don’t have cable and I only watch dvds). However even when I do watch TV on DVDs the only TV shows I watch are Law and Order and Dead Like Me.

I love everything Disney, and own almost all the Disney movies on DVD except for the straight to DVD sequels and Pochohantus (spelling off, the history was too bad for me to actually want to see this movie).

I enjoy reading math textbooks in my spare time.

I sleep with 4 pillows, two under my head, one for my legs and one to snuggle with.

I have a hard time sleeping if the room is not pitch black and if there is any noise.

I hate chatspeak and 133tspeak, I can understand it, but it drives me crazy when people use it.

I collect socks. Everytime I go to Target if I pass the sock section I’ll buy a new pair of socks.

I sort my M&Ms and Reeces Pieces by color before I eat them. Unless they are on icecream.

If I sleep on my left side I have to sleep with my arm under my head. If I sleep on my right side I can’t sleep with my arm under my head.

I hate getting shots or blood drawn, I hate the needle that is. Once it is in I love watching the blood flow out of my body.

I can not sit still without fidgiting. I normally try to keep something around that I can play with in my hands, but if nothing is around I’ll tap my fingers and shake my legs.

Okay now that I’ve scared you all away from my blog, I promise that most of my idiosyncrasies don’t appear in public.

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