K and his fun day at daycamp!

So K goes to daycamp (8 hours of playing with other dogs) on Mondays and Thursdays since they are a nice break and still wear him out for most of the week (plus we can’t really afford more then two days a week). Anyways that is background. So he went to daycamp today. There is another dog there another Jack Bailey, who is there when K is there sometimes. Bailey likes to attack K and has bitten him and given him scrapes and bruises and cuts before. At the begining K won’t fight back, but after the last time when he got a semi nasty cut he has started to fight back.

So Bailey started in on K again today and K fought back. The girls working there couldn’t break them up with water in the face (K tends to ignore water). So apparently from what I can tell one of the girls grabbed the dogs to seperate them and K bite her hard enough to break skin. So she got to go to the hospital. He then bit another of the girls on her knee and left a bruise.

So he gets to take a break from daycamp for the week. While they were fighting Bailey bit K hard enough to break his skin as well. So he has a huge nasty mark on the back of his neck as well.

Okay sucks, but dealable, of course if a dog bites hard enough that it pierces skin and the person has to go to the hospital animal control gets involved, oh joy. So we may be having animal control contact us, yay.

And K can’t go back to next week, which won’t be a huge deal, except for the major hyperness this weekend. Except we are going to Les Mis on Friday and will be out of the house from like 9am till midnight, so I had planned on putting him in daycamp/overnight care Friday so we didn’t have to worry about him in the house alone all day and evening. Which just sucks overall that I can’t do that now.

I am not overly worried about it, other then we are thinking about scheduling K’s daycamp for days Bailey isn’t there (Bailey has been kicked out for the day numerous times for fighting with K this is K’s first time), just so we don’t have to worry about it.

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