School Stuff

Well I am thinking about dropping my Bachlor’s degree at University of Maryland. I am just not motivated at all, and I don’t think the classroom settings they have are working well for me. I do better in a smaller school I think, or possibly online. I think I am likely to end up withdrawing and trying to find some sort of online program so I can get my degree. Since I am just getting my degree in case I ever need it, not because I need it for a job it isn’t extremely important that I get it from a certain school or that I even get it.

It just doesn’t seem to be working at Maryland though, I am really unmotivated to go to my classes and do the work and i keep wondering what the point of it is, plus since it is a big University you don’t really get to know your teachers and you can tell they mostly care more about their research then the students.

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