Three Months old!

So Eloise is now 3 months old. She turned 3 months old yesterday, so I got a bunch of pictures of her. She is so alert now it is amazing, she has her own personality and she seems so much more like a little person now, then just a baby. She is happiest when she has someone holding her or at least talking to her, but she is okay on the floor or alone for 10 to 15 minutes sometimes. Here are a bunch of pictures I took yesterday on her 3 month birthday.

3 Responses to “Three Months old!”

  1. Nonnie Says:

    I can’t believe how much she’s grown! And I love the eyes – she is really alert!!

  2. tabrizia Says:

    She really is alert at this point in time. It is amazing how much she’s changed in just a couple of weeks, not that she wasn’t alert last month, but she is so much more alert now.

  3. Tammy Says:

    Eloise always has the cutest little outfits!

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